Diabetic Class

Went to the class for the first time tonight.  There were six other people there as well.  We introduced ourselves to each other and settled in.  The first thing we learned was about carbohydrate counting and were to find it on the food package. Learned that was per serving and not the whole box.. lol.

Portion control was next. The idea of having to write down everything you eat in a day was going to be a magic trick! We had to write down the carbohydrates number for each food we ate as well.  Nothing like carrying a notebook everywhere I went.

By the next class we went over what I called the food police book. I was amazed at all the junk food I was eating.  NOT ONE FRUIT IN THE LIST!!!! Lots of take out, fast foods and potato chips.

The hardest thing as a diabetic to learn: need to change what you eat. I have to admit I want to kill for a cheese burger and fries that first week. After about a month had past, I didn’t mind it so much.

After the second month I didn’t crave the fast food, as a matter of fact; when I did eat some fast food I got really sick to my stomach. I can no longer handle all that grease. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy some fries to this day.

Next post: Meeting the dietician!

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