The dietitian

Time for a one on one with the dietitian.  Today I will learn about what foods I can or can not.  I was given about six sheets of paper of the do not eat food. I groaned as I read the list. No cheese steaks, pizza’s, fast foods, no breads, pasta or rice.

I was told that breads, pasta, rice and potatoes turn into instant sugar when its digested.   My stomach will turn this into sugar faster than if I was eating pure sugar on a spoon. Now being I’m Pennsylvania dutch, you know mashed potatoes and gravy go with every meal. so what in the world will I replace those with? More about that at a later date.

I learned that different foods have a glycemic index. How they rate in regards to how much sugar they have. You will be amazed at how much  sugar is in our foods!  Did you know some foods convert to sugar faster than others? We need to know about those foods, because they will raise for sugar faster and might have to adjust your medication to accommodate your insulin doses.  I’ve learned to stay away from them or adjust how much of them you eat.

I had to learn portion control……not to just load up on the potatoes &  gravy. Now this will be the hardest thing to control if your used to large portions on your plate.  I also learned that the side panel with all the fact about carbohydrates, sugar, etc are for each box serving.  If you eat the whole box..ex: cereal box says 8 servings  you times that by the carbohydrate count to figure how many crabs you just eat.  Those numbers on that panel are usually for 1 cup with milk added.

I had to switch my whole milk to 1% low fat. Talk about getting used to that was like drinking milk that was watered down! Go ahead and read how much sugar is in your milk.  I usually drink a gallon a week myself of whole milk. keeping up with that idea of 8oz a day for healthy bones.

Net time: we will look at that food label


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