Food Label

Most of us never look at that food label. We just open it and eat it, however,  if your a diabetic its your new best friend. This label is titled NUTRITION FACTS.

The items listed are per serving.  It will show how many servings per package.  Look for the part that shows total Carbohydrates….example say 17G below that line you will see Sugars maybe fiber count.

My goal is a total of 65 carbs a total meal. Now if you have two servings make sure you double that carb number and write it down.  Now your dietitian will tell you how many carbohydrates per meal that you can have.  Also keep track of how many calories your eating as well. I’m on 1800 calories per day and that calorie number is listed first.

I find its hard to get up to that number of calories if I skip snacks or a meal. You should not be skipping your meals only because your body will make more insulin to make up the difference of no food to burn.  Sometimes I feel like I’m running the hamster wheel tying to get a balance going. But it can be done with a little food planning. After awhile you’ll be keeping track without writing it down.

I keep a food menu on the fridge for the week it shows breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I list at the bottom what my snacks are for the day.  ( I like a small apple sliced with peanut butter on the slices.) This can be worked out with your dietitian because your diet is made just for you. What works for me might not be right for you.  Each of us burn food at different rates then other people, thats why a dietitian is important.

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